The Yummy map is a main function of PopDaily. All the stores selected by our editor are included in the Yummy map, which is convenient for users to quickly search and save their favorite stores.
美食地圖是 PopDaily 主要功能之一,將自家發胖編輯精選出來的店家,全部收錄在美食地圖裡,方便使用者快速查詢跟收藏店家。
Product Designer
UI, UX, Interaction. Research, Style Guide
Spring 2020 (1 mos)
The Challenge
The old version of the yummy map lacked integrated planning and consistency design in the early stage, and the user experience was very poor. The company assigns our team to improve the product and make the entire product experience consistent.
舊版本的美食地圖,在早期缺少完整的規劃及統一風格的設計,在使用上體驗非常差,這次我們團隊遇到最大的挑戰是將 PopDaily 全部功能的使用體驗連貫起來。
First, we will draw a simple Wireframe and flow on the paper, and discuss it with the PM. When the PM confirms that there is no problem, we will start to produce Hi-Fi Wireframe on Figma.
首先會在紙上畫出簡易的 Wireframe 及流程,並積極與 PM 討論,等確認大部分架構及流程後,我們會開始在 figma 產出 Hi-Fi Wireframe。

Final wireframe

The Final Product

Information integration
Combining maps and information.

Through different height information panels and interaction
Define design specifications, UI components, and make functional style consistency.
制定設計規範、UI component,確保各個功能風格一致性。

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